They’re molting, molting, ohh what a world, what a world! - Big R Skip to main content

They’re molting, molting, ohh what a world, what a world!

Posted by Brett Mills on 22nd Sep 2021

With the arrival of fall you may have noticed an abundance of feathers floating around your chicken run. Some of your chickens may look a little worse for wear, and you may have noticed a decrease in egg production. All tell-tale signs that it’s molting season in your neck of the woods.

Molting is a natural process that adult chickens go through twice a year depending on the amount of light available and the age of your bird. When summer begins turning to fall your chickens will experience what’s called a “hard molt”. The decrease in available daylight hours signals it’s time for your birds to replace their old feathers with new ones with winter coming. They will also experience a less-dramatic "soft molt" in the spring.

Your chickens will be a bit more stressed during the process of molting so it’s good to provide them extra care and attention to ensure they stay healthy in preparation for winter.

Here is a quick checklist for reference in helping your birds this season:

Provide a diet boost:

Switch to a feather fixer feed to provide additional nutrients during molt.

Mealworms: Packed with protein to help with feather growth and repair.

Yogurt: Good source of calcium and beneficial bacteria for digestive health. Feed in moderation as too much can cause diarrhea.

Eggs: It sounds weird but eggs are a great treat for your birds and full of protein they need at this time.

Pumpkin seeds: Another great source of protein and chickies love ‘em!

Sunflower Seeds: Full of valuable nutrients and oil whichs helps new feathers come in soft and shiny.

Keep ‘em busy: (busy birds stay less stressed)

Hang a crown of broccoli in your chicken run. It provides something to do and broccoli is chocked full of nutrients!

Provide a whole or half pumpkin. You can cut holes in the sides or hang in their run for entertainment, plus it’s good for them.

Adequate space for everyone. Chickens in cramped spaces tend to pick on eachother which only adds to the stress they’re already experiencing through their molting process.

Place a bale of alfalfa in their pen. They will pick what they need from the sides and the process provides something to keep them busy (plus it’s fun to hop on!).

Maintain a fresh, clean source of water at all times.

Limit handling as molting is a painful process for your birds. Barely brushing the chicken’s new pin feathers may cause them to break and bleed. Chickens are attracted to the color red and will begin pecking at anything stained with blood, only causing further injury.

Follow these steps to ensure your chickens experience a healthy molting process. Their beautiful new feathers will soon come in and they’ll be ready for winter in no time!

Right click and save this handy checklist for reference: